Saturday, April 28, 2012

Birthday Resolutions

This is Samuel's rendition of me as an old woman.  The thing that looks like a rolling pin is supposed to be a water bottle.  Note that the cane is not long enough to help me to walk--know what that means?  That means that its best use is for me to hit people with it!

On this birthday, I have decided that I should make self-loving resolutions.  Ideas for how I can spend the next year being kinder to myself, as well as to others.

So far, I've got:
  • slow down
  • whenever possible, do what I love
  • pay attention to how my body feels, rather than how it looks
  • make time for frivolity
  • drink more tea
  • be satisfied
  • embrace imperfection
  • have shorter "to do" lists
  • laugh more
  • live like I mean it
  • celebrate middle age
  • stop to notice
What resolutions could you make?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Poetry in Motion

Tonight, my daughter danced me a story about a princess who dreamed with coyotes.

What's enchanting you lately?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I've got it!

It came to me today while talking to a colleague.  It was an innocent conversation about an island near Portland, where lots of tourists go to get married in the summer.  I realized, that's it:

When I am 70, I will start crashing weddings to eat food, drink wine, heckle, and spread rumors. 

My seventies promise to be fun!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Looking Ahead

"When I grow up, I want to be an old woman"
Michelle Shocked

"When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple"
Jenny Joseph

I've given thought, over the past few years, to aging.  I think the trick to aging is having something to look forward to.  With that in mind, I have developed a few plans:

At 50: I am going to find someone to take the kids for a week or two so that Howard and I can go on a vacation alone together to Italy.  I've always wanted to go to Italy.

At 60: I am going to dye my hair purple.  No explanations to anyone when they ask why.

At 80: I plan to start smoking again and sit on street corners, telling the people who pass by how to live their lives.  You know: "Get a job."  "Why are you dressed like that?  You look foolish."  etc etc etc.

When he heard about my plan for 80, my brother Kevin told me that he was going to be the little old man that all the "cute girls" wanted to help.  I told him that was a fantasy, not a plan.  He needs to get a plan.  I don't know if he has yet.

I'm not sure what I want to do when I turn 70: any ideas?

What fabulous plans might you come up with for aging?