Her art shows ways that she is so unlike me--always drawing girls in high heels and makeup and fancy hair-dos. But notice: those girls are hanging out in one picture in a coffee-and-ice cream bar, and in the other they are all curling up with books and desserts. Both visions that I can firmly support! Those two took her days to draw, and she added details constantly before they felt "done" to her.
The last piece just happened this morning, I think all at once and rather quickly. I don't know if you can tell very well from the picture, but it takes up an entire extra-large piece of construction paper. It's just so very cool. I'm thinking I'll ask for it in a frame as a home-made Hanukkah gift.
The world of her imagination, through her eyes and by her hand. I hope she always embraces this originality, and that she may be forever nourished by creativity.