Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This Season.

Chanukah has come and gone.  I’m glad that it was early this year, because we avoided the mad rush at the stores.  Now, early winter is setting in, and the cold outside is juxtaposed with the coziness of home.  A few of my favorite times from Chanukah and early winter so far are:
Samuel made me a lovely picture mat (a kind of “stained glass effect, with some animals hiding in the design).  It frames a picture of a (Boston?)  vine that Samuel, at age 2, declared to be a dragon.  I’ve been meaning to blow up and frame that photo for almost eight years now…

Another homemade favorite: the apron that Anya decorated for me.  Here she is modeling it (kind of.  She’s in a bad mood tonight).

Another favorite from Chanukah: my new flannel bathrobe (supposed to be a night shirt, but...).  It's purple, has tree branches, stars, and owls.  How can you go wrong with that???

The kids were also quite cute in their new pajamas.  You might recognize Anya's...

And, once Chanukah was over, we spent a wonderful evening with my sister Kaethi.  There was a fire going.  Kaethi and I knit.  Anya and Sam drew many pictures.  Howard…well, let’s just say after a while there was audible snoring.  In other words, we were all content. 

Other seasonal favorites:
1)      Walking on cold-ish winter mornings (27 degrees is nice.  It will, alas, get colder…)
2)   Tea.  Gotta have tea.

3)      Making cards and hats and food for people I love.
4)      Making calendars!!!!  I’m positively obsessed.
5)      Getting a REAL LETTER in a season’s greetings card from one of my dearest “old friends.”  (I’ll write back soon, Nancy, I promise.)
6)      Playing the Charades game that Anya got from Samuel. 
7)      Soup.  (see #4 regarding obsession.)
8)      Candle light.

What brings you joy in December?

1 comment:

  1. Right now, reading this blog post! Brought a smile to my face on this late working night
