Life has been busy here this past week, since it's been "back to school" time for me and the kids. So, here are (literally) a few snapshots of things going on around these parts.
Samuel is, as always, drawing. M.C. Escher, eat your heart out!
Anya is experimenting with new outfits:
Samuel and his friends Fred (on the left) and Paul (on the right) got dressed up one day:
We all went to the zoo on Sunday. It was very educational:
Finally--and most important--Anya is practicing sentences! Here are several from last night:
Those read:
I like to play. My cat is small.
I love my cat. The bed is big.
I put on my jacket. Dad is an alien.
I like school. Sam is a good brother.
I can paint. Dad is a crazy alien.
I like pizza. I love my family.
What's going on in your neck of the woods these days?
We do have amazing kids. I think this is signs of their crazy alienness coming out!