Sunday, January 1, 2012

Simply Happy

We've just returned from our holiday time in Maine.  Though there were plenty of hassles, there was a lot of simple fun...sometimes damned near close to perfection.  These times included:

Candle-lit baths with sandalwood-rose bubbles and music from the portable ipod player that I got from Howard.  Sometimes, I added a glass of riesling for good measure. 

Anya's dancing whenever music was on in the kitchen.

Making sugar and spice cookies with Sam.

The kids' legos creations.  (The first is a mouse-shaped pencil holder the kids made for me, and the second is a drawer that Sam made for Anya).

Time spent in a second-hand bookstore, crowded with books.  Resulting, of course, in the purchase of many books, including some old favorites (a cookbook, some childhood books) that will stay in Maine. 

These things, along with an evening's reading from How to be a Villain made up for the moments of the kids' whining and fighting, and the times that the wood stove fire took forever to get going.

What simple things make you happy?

1 comment:

  1. Doing oragami with Samuel. Drawing with the kids. Reading books. Sitting in front of the fire. Talking walks into town or elsewhere. Driving and looking at christmas lights, and those scary, scary Santa Clauses! Holding hands. Watching the snow fall.
