Thursday, June 12, 2014

In My Kitchen: Joy

(Joining Heather at her kitchen blog hop)

So much joy in the ordinary things in my kitchen this week:
  • Soup on a rainy, chilly evening
  • A cleaned and organized pantry closet!
  • The baking utensil drawer that I have managed to keep organized for a whole year
  • morning light (yeah, about the rocks--you don't have any on your counter?--I use them to keep my place in cookbooks. Plus, I just like ocean-softened rocks)
  • A plate that always makes me smile
  • Sunflowers...and a ceramic piece (from Ecuador) that I love so much that it's always on my dining table
  • Simple food (and my ongoing love affair with avocados)
  • Soapy cleanup from baking
  • The best pasta dish ever (found at Oh She Glows)
  • Finally: Anya's ballerina hot dog (only Anya would make a hot dog dance ballet...have I mentioned lately that I love that girl?)
I love how summer let's me hang out in the kitchen and really enjoy it!  (Plus, I'm avoiding work on reviewing a translation of my first book--the work is close and tedious and tiring...the kitchen always sounds like a good place to go to escape!!!)

What's bringing you joy in your kitchen this week?


  1. I cannot tell a lie... It's the picture of the pantry that grabbed my attention. I have nothing like it in my kitchen, and could surely use it!!! I'm a little jealous. Also -- that plate makes me smile, too!

  2. Any kind of pantry is great, for sure. We had a *real* pantry in Maine, and it was soooo hard for me to give that up (and the claw foot bath tub). I know I am lucky for how much space we have here, especially since we live in an expensive area of the country.

    1. the claw foot tub is the thing I miss most about my previous house as well. that, and the big old porcelain sink.

    2. There's nothing quite like a claw foot tub, is there? We renovated our (falling apart) bathroom this year, and my consolation prize was an Americast tub (Cambridge--14 inches to overflow). It's good, but not the same!

  3. So many things to be inspired by in your post! First, that pantry. Doesn't it feel so good to get organized! I couldn't agree more about avocados. And I am clicking over right now to get that pasta recipe! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I swear, nothing feels better than organization! I am trying to keep things pretty orderly once I do the big overhaul. Some areas work better with that than others!

  4. Yes I have pantry envy also. And that pasta looks amazing.

    1. I just loved that pasta. I am thinking of getting her newly published cookbook...

  5. a clean pantry is certainly a very happy thing! that pasta looks amazing and I'm with you on the stones, I've got them all around as well :)

  6. Oh, I'm glad I'm not the only one with stones/rocks! I have some great ones here and there. I do try to refrain from picking up too many when I go to the beach...

  7. Your pantry looks great and so does your utensil drawer. I'm a bit of a neat freak, so that really appeals to me. ;-) The food looks delicious and your table looks so pretty!

    1. I aspire to have the time to be a neat freak. Cutting back on how much we have in the house has helped, but sometimes schedules just get away from us!

  8. It loos so wholesome and delicious.. Love the plate..ox

  9. I love the blue rabbit plate too and I'm going to go and check out the pasta recipe. I love broad beans...not quite in season yet but the asparagus is and we eat tons of it at the moment.
    I love that little ballerina.
    thanks for sharing everything with us.
