Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Days of the Week

My life is falling into daily patterns of late: 

  • Many Meetings Mondays (How can a day without classes be that busy?)
  • Focused on Classes Tuesdays
  • Bad Language Wednesdays (coined with Martina)
  • Truly Tired Thursdays (typically without time to breathe, and all too often finding me on the late train home)
  • Full of Hope Fridays (hoping I won't have to go to campus, hoping to get enough work done to take the weekend off...)
  • Domestic Saturdays (cleaning, shopping, cooking)
  • Seeking Balance Sundays (taking them off if I can, getting ready for the work week if I must)

My family life is falling into some of these patterns too.  We have:
  • Dr. Who Sundays
  • I don't want to go to school Mondays.
  • Taco Tuesdays (but only on occasion)
  • Pasta Wednesdays (Every Wednesday. Remember Anthony?)
  • There is no Thursday theme, even on occasion. (Or, I don't think there is. I might be too tired to notice. See above.)
  • Friday Family Movie Nights
  • And back to Domestic Saturdays
I think that these patterns either reveal my coping mechanisms in a life that's too full...or just that I've finally lost my senses altogether.  

Now, if I can just get that damned conference paper revised...oh, wait: that can't happen until after finals...
(Note that I am allowed to say "damned" because it's Bad Language Wednesday.)


  1. This is wonderful...couldn't stop laughing. Thanks for your humour.
    Have an amazing marking papers or lesson planning until at least the 1st.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Debbie! I am a strong believer that laughing in the face of stress is key. Papers are done now and I'm plodding through the conference paper with a light at the end of the tunnel!
