Monday, August 18, 2014


A room given a new lease on life all because of a couple of cans of paint (Pike's Peak Gray, Benjamin Moore), plus a day's worth of cleaning and prepping and painting.  There is more blue in the gray than I expected, and there is still a little more to do here and there before I will feel "done," but I think it's great.  Like the rest of the house--like us!--it's not formal, and not all of it fits together perfectly (and I declined to share a picture of the treadmill in one corner: less than lovely, but nice to have on a rainy or icy day). But it is comfortable and functional and relaxed...and that's what I want my home to be about.

What small changes have improved your life lately?


  1. Great job, well done! I moved in my home last year and we did most of the refurbishment by ourselves, but now, even if the house isn't perfect yet, it's our "home sweet home" and it looks really like us ^_^

  2. It looks lovely.It's amazing what a lick of paint can do (although I think it looked good before too). I've been painting with what is supposed to be grey but found it to be more blue than I expected too. This looks really calming and cosy. I have the same mind set when it comes to home it should be all of those things.
    Lot's of unpacking and with each box opened everything gets that little bit easier. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel at last.

  3. Love the color. It looks like such a peaceful room.
    We are changing our old bedrooms, re-insulating, tearing up old carpet and laying new flooring and re-painting. New runtal radiators will be installed and it will be a welcome warmth this Winter.
    Considering gray for one of the rooms.
